Bruce Springsteen lyrics -- Bruce Springsteen shows -- Bruce Springsteen records

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01-Aug-1965 Woodhaven,NJ Woodhaven swim club,USA

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15 In the mood

Obviously incomplete setlist. ONE evening show, featuring the THE CASTILES. The Woodhaven Swim Club was located on East Freehold Road in Freehold – it later became the home of the local YMCA. According to 1970’s comments by Castiles manager Tex Vinyard this was Springsteen’s first paid gig as a member of the band (the group received $35). However there were at least a couple of au-gratis “practice” performances in Freehold that preceded this club booking. The show closed with a rock arrangement of “In The Mood”.

Last computed : 31/03/2025 23:30:35