Bruce Springsteen lyrics -- Bruce Springsteen shows -- Bruce Springsteen records

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01-Jan-1977 Asbury Park,NJ Stone Pony,USA

 - This date is a DUMMY DATE indicating the generic period

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01 Jailhouse rock
02 Sea cruise

DUMMY DATE. From a BRUCEBASE reader: Very early in 1977 (Jan. or Feb.) was the first time I ever saw Bruce perform in a bar. It was a cold Tuesday or Thursday with about 20 people in the "Stone Pony" to see "The Shakes" (who had recently taken over the Sundays/Tuesdays/Thursdays slot that the Jukes had occupied before they left on tour). Bruce was sitting at the bar across from the stage all alone. The lead singer (Bob Campanell) asked from the stage if he would like to play. He smiled and put down his beer and walked across the EMPTY dance floor and put on Bob's red guitar. Then he did "Jailhouse Rock" with all the Elvis moves (awesome), and Frankie Ford's "Sea Cruise". Like I said, there were about 20 customers and none of them even cared, but I went NUTS. Thanks to Billy Smith.

Last computed : 22/02/2025 16:34:39