Unknown setlist If you know or remember something about this show, please write me at contrib@brucespringsteen.it . Your help is important!!
Notes: CANCELLED concert (due to Bruce being ill), never re-scheduled. This concert was originally scheduled as TWO shows, double billing, with Springsteen opening for RICHIE HAVENS.
02-Mar-1974 Parsipanny,NJ Joint In The Woods,USA
- This show was NOT PLAYED
Unknown setlist If you know or remember something about this show, please write me at contrib@brucespringsteen.it . Your help is important!!
Notes: CANCELLED concert (due to Bruce being ill), re-scheduled to 13/04/74.
03-Mar-1974 Washington,DC Gaston Hall Georgetown University,USA
Unknown setlist If you know or remember something about this show, please write me at contrib@brucespringsteen.it . Your help is important!!
Notes: No audio from the early show has ever surfaced.
03-Mar-1974 Washington,DC Gaston Hall Georgetown University,USA
Notes: Late show. Springsteen & The E Street Band headlining and ORLEANS opening. Held in the 750-seat Gaston Hall. Both shows were sellouts. Springsteen's 90-minute 2nd show was simulcast on WGTB-FM (the non-profit school
station) and the above-mentioned setlist represents that entire 2nd show. It can be found complete, and in excellent soundboard quality, on several different boots such as "SAINT IN THE CITY", "NYC SERENADE" and "THE BOSS KEEPS ROCKIN, VOL 3". A wonderful, essential-to-have, early period show.
Unknown setlist If you know or remember something about this show, please write me at contrib@brucespringsteen.it . Your help is important!!
Notes: One show.
08-Mar-1974 Houston,TX Liberty Hall,USA
Unknown setlist If you know or remember something about this show, please write me at contrib@brucespringsteen.it . Your help is important!!
Notes: Early show. No recording circulating
08-Mar-1974 Houston,TX Liberty Hall,USA
Unknown setlist If you know or remember something about this show, please write me at contrib@brucespringsteen.it . Your help is important!!
Notes: Late show. No recording circulating
08-Mar-1974 Houston,TX KLOL - FM Station,USA
Unknown setlist [Interview] If you know or remember something about this show, please write me at contrib@brucespringsteen.it . Your help is important!!
Notes: An interesting discussion with KLOL-FM DJ Ed Beauchamp held during the afternoon at the station and broadcast live. Bruce did not perform any songs. The interview can be found complete on the CD boot "THE LOST RADIO SHOW" (Whoopy Cat), although the CD mistakenly lists it as taking place the following day. As there has been confusion about the date, location and other aspects of this show, some relevant points should be pointed out. During the interview Beauchamp mentions the station’s frequency (101), thereby confirming it as KLOL-FM. Comments made during the discussion positively confirm the show as being on the 8th and also confirm that none of the E Street Band members are present. However Bruce returned to KLOL with the entire E Street Band the following afternoon for an in-station performance. Some selections from the March 9th KLOL show are sometimes incorrectly attributed to this show.
09-Mar-1974 Houston,TX Liberty Hall,USA
Unknown setlist If you know or remember something about this show, please write me at contrib@brucespringsteen.it . Your help is important!!
Notes: Late show
TWO shows, double bill, with Springsteen & The E Street Band headlining and JIMMY SPHEERIS opening. The above-mentioned 9-song setlist (believed to be in the proper sequence) is taken from in-circulation audio that has been sourced from home tapings of radio broadcasts. All 9 recordings can be found on the 2CD boot “LIBERTY HALL (Mistral). The original taper/s utilized modest recording equipment, so the sound quality is good but not brilliant. Prior to “Rosalita” someone in the crowd requests “The Fever”. Bruce doesn’t perform it at this show but promises the crowd that he’ll work up a band arrangement and play it the next time he is in Houston. It seems Bruce accelerated that promise, as he surprises everyone by performing a semi-band version at the late show the following night.
Even though there are only 9 songs in this setlist, most of the performances during this show are quite extended versions. With a running time of about 90 minutes (depending on between-song edits) this is most likely the complete show, although there are edit points between some songs so it is possible that a couple of additional songs were performed but are not circulating. Comments Springsteen makes during the show relating to his March 9th afternoon in-station acoustic performance at KLOL-FM prove this audio is also from March 9th. Other comments made by Bruce strongly point to this being the 2nd show on the 9th. THERE IS NO CIRCULATING AUDIO FROM THE 1ST (EARLY) SHOW.
There is still confusion about whether this night’s show was simulcast live by KLOL-FM or whether the show was taped only for later use. Current evidence suggests this show wasn’t simulcast but instead was first broadcast in November 1974 to promote Springsteen’s later Texas tour. There is also some evidence that the material was broadcast disjointed in Nov 1974, rather than in one continuous program segment
Notes: The above-mentioned setlist represents the complete performance by Bruce & The E Street Band inside a recording studio KLOL-FM. This is lengthiest of all Bruce's radio station sojourns; in fact this is practically a concert in itself. "The
Fever" is performed because a studio demo of the song (as issued on TRACKS) had been sent to the station by Mike Appel a couple of months earlier and had been receiving strong phone-in requests. The entire show can be found in excellent quality on the CD "THE LOST RADIO SHOW" (Whoopy Cat), (KTS), (Postscript), (Audifon). Comments made during this show positively confirm the stations as KLOL-FM and the recording and broadcast date as the afternoon of 9/3/74.
Notes: Early show.
TWO shows (8PM and 11PM), double bill, with Springsteen & The E Street Band headlining and JIMMY SPHEERIS opening. As advertising for the Liberty Hall residency states, this final night at Liberty Hall was originally scheduled as one show only. However due to strong demand a second (late) show was added at the very last moment. Attendee recollections from March 10th that have surfaced over the years have caused great confusion due to the fact that both shows featured somewhat different setlists and because it was not generally known/confirmed that two shows were performed on March 10th. Springsteen opened the first show of this night with an acoustic “Circus Story” and a partial band, acoustic-orientated rendition of “New York City Serenade” (the same two songs he had opened the 2nd show with the previous night). The remaining songs performed during this first show are still unclear. THERE IS NO AUDIO FROM ANY OF THIS FIRST SHOW KNOWN TO EXIST. For the 2nd show Bruce changed these two opening songs. Instead he began the late show with an acoustic “Mary Queen” and then the semi-acoustic “Fever”.
Notes: Late show.
The second show has several interesting features. Springsteen sings the “The Fever” for the first time in a concert setting and predicates the rendition by mentioning the studio demo that has been sent out to some radio stations (but doesn’t mention the fact he played the song the day before inside the KLOL-FM studio). By performing “The Fever” at this show Bruce appears to have been delivering on a promised intention to do so that he made to the Liberty Hall audience the night before. Additionally Bruce breaks a guitar string during “Spirit” and so we get a rare rendition of Clarence’s time-filling comedy number “Gimme That Wine”. We’re also treated to the only known live performance of ‘Angel Blues” (known to most fans by the titles of “She So Fine” or “Ride On Sweet William”) a rather unspectacular song that dates from mid 1973. The performance is very ragged, indicating it may not have been rehearsed much.
The above-mentioned 13-song setlist for the 2ND show (believed to be in the proper sequence) is taken from in-circulation audio that has been sourced from home tapings of radio broadcasts. Current evidence suggests this show was not simulcast live at the time but, rather, was first broadcast in November 1974 to promote Springsteen’s later Texas tour. There is also some evidence that the material was broadcast in bits and pieces in Nov 1974, rather than in one complete program segment. The original taper/s utilized modest recording equipment, so the sound quality is good but not outstanding. With a running time of about 98 minutes (depending on between-song edits) this is most likely the complete show, although it is possible that a couple of songs are missing. Comments Springsteen makes between several songs offer quite compelling evidence all this audio is from the late show on March 10th.
The 13 songs that are known from this 2nd show on 10/03/74 have yet to appear coherently on any mainstream bootleg. The CD boots “LIBERTY HALL” (Mistral), “ALL THOSE YEARS” (Templar) and “LIVE & UNRELEASED” (Seagull) each include the same five recordings (“Mary Queen of Arkansas”, “Fever”, “Gimme That Wine”, “Angel Blues” and “Thundercrack”). “LIBERTY HALL” also includes “Something You Got”. “ALL THOSE YEARS” and “LIVE & UNRELEASED” also includes “The E Street Shuffle”. That makes 7 recordings that are commonly circulating. On the other hand, the 6 “rare/missing” recordings (‘Spirit”, “Saint In The City”, Bus Driver”, “Kitty’s Back”, “For You” and “Rosalita”) are currently circulating only via private CDR sources. Only the first 45 seconds of “Rosalita” seem to be in circulation. It should also be noted that there are unsubstantiated reports that this 2nd show included two additional songs (“Sandy” and “Let The Four Winds Blow”) that don’t seem to be circulating anywhere
Notes: Springsteen & The E Street Band headlining a capacity crowd of 1,500 and western swing band ALVIN CROW & THE PLEASANT VALLEY BOYS opening. Partial setlist details above are from attendee recollections, THERE IS NO AUDIO
IN CIRCULATION. This was Bruce and the boys first-ever gig in Austin and both Springsteen and Appel were concerned about a potential clash of musical (and audience) styles between the two acts. The concern proved unfounded, as Bruce recounted during a 1980 interview in "Performance Magazine"….. "It worried me a little bit. I knew for sure we weren't cowboys and I didn't know how they (the audience) would act. But, you know, they were up and dancing by the second song…I didn't think there were people like that, able to shift from one extreme to another so quickly".
From a fan : "It was a special weekend show so it was a whopping $1.50 to get in ! It ended up being the best show I ever saw, period"
Unknown setlist If you know or remember something about this show, please write me at contrib@brucespringsteen.it . Your help is important!!
Notes: First of TWO shows, with Springsteen & The E Street Band the sole act on the bill. Opening of a 4-night (8-show) residency. This series of gigs was originally scheduled for a smaller club in Dallas called Mother Blues. However due to the rapturous reception and strong ticket sales that had occurred at the gigs in Houston and Austin, it was decided at the last moment to shift the residency to the larger Gertie’s venue. The decision turned out to be unnecessary, as ticket sales in Dallas were very poor, with only 50 to 75 people present at most of the shows – an indication of just how dramatically Bruce’s popularity varied from city to city at this point in his career.
18-Mar-1974 Dallas,TX Gerties,USA
Unknown setlist If you know or remember something about this show, please write me at contrib@brucespringsteen.it . Your help is important!!
Notes: Second of two shows. See early for details.
19-Mar-1974 Dallas,TX Gerties,USA
Unknown setlist If you know or remember something about this show, please write me at contrib@brucespringsteen.it . Your help is important!!
Notes: First of TWO shows, with Springsteen & The E Street Band the sole act on the bill.
19-Mar-1974 Dallas,TX Gerties,USA
Unknown setlist If you know or remember something about this show, please write me at contrib@brucespringsteen.it . Your help is important!!
Notes: Second of two shows. See early for details.
20-Mar-1974 Dallas,TX Gerties,USA
Unknown setlist If you know or remember something about this show, please write me at contrib@brucespringsteen.it . Your help is important!!
Notes: Early. This 2-night (4-show) stand at Gertie's was originally scheduled as a 4-night (4-show) stand at nearby Mother Blues. Apparently relocated because of Gertie's larger seating capacity.
20-Mar-1974 Dallas,TX Gerties,USA
Unknown setlist If you know or remember something about this show, please write me at contrib@brucespringsteen.it . Your help is important!!
Notes: Late show.
21-Mar-1974 Dallas,TX Gerties,USA
Unknown setlist If you know or remember something about this show, please write me at contrib@brucespringsteen.it . Your help is important!!
Notes: Early show
21-Mar-1974 Dallas,TX Gerties,USA
Unknown setlist If you know or remember something about this show, please write me at contrib@brucespringsteen.it . Your help is important!!
Notes: Late show
23-Mar-1974 Phoenix,AZ KDKB-FM radio station,USA
Unknown setlist If you know or remember something about this show, please write me at contrib@brucespringsteen.it . Your help is important!!
Notes: Although originally planned a 10-minute interview, Bruce joking accepts an on-the-spot invitation to play guest DJ and spends over an hour playing his favorite records and chatting about his musical influences between songs. THERE IS NO CIRCULATING AUDIO of this show.
Notes: D. Sancious rated this to be one of the best ever gig!
Springsteen headlining and WENDY WALDMAN opening. This was Bruce’s first-ever experience performing on a revolving stage (he would spin again on 27/07/74 and 23/02/75). The above-mentioned 11-song setlist (believed to encompass the entire performance) is culled from a review of the concert that appeared in the Arizona State University paper, as well as a circulating audience recording. Also from this night is an outstanding 40-minute discussion with Bruce (and Mike Appel in spots) that took place backstage after the show with reporters from The Phoenix New Times and Arizona State University. This is the most interesting interview with Springsteen available in any media format from the pre-Born To Run era - loaded with details about early shows and sessions. This interview can be found on the CDR “THE INNER VIEW”.