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Song list:


Sad eyes
Sad eyes - interlude   - 15-Feb-1977 version
   - 07-Jul-1978 version
   - 19-Sep-1978 version
   - 15-Dec-1978 version
   - Unknown date version
Saga of the architect angel (aka)
Samson and Delilah
San Franciscan nights
Santa Ana   - Tracks take
   - Early studio version
   - Late live version
Santa Claus is comin' to town
Satan's jewelled crown
Satin doll
Satisfied mind
Save my love
Save the last dance for me
Say goodbye to Holliwood
Say sons
School's out
Sea cruise
Sea of heartbreak
Seaside bar song
Secret garden
Secret to the blues
See my friends
Sell it and they will come
Send that boy to jail (aka)
Sentimental journey
Settle for love
Seven angels
Seven nights to rock
Seven tears
Seventh son
Sex machine
Sexy and I Know It
Sha la la
Shackled and drawn
Shake rattle and roll   - Bruce lyrics
   - Original lyrics
Shangai (aka)
Shapes of things
She loves you
Sherlock goes Holmes
Sherry darling
   - Darkess outtake 1
   - Darkess outtake 2
   - 1978 live
She's a rocker
She's a woman   - 17-Dec-1971 Version

She's leaving   - Incomplete version
   - Complete version 1
   - Complete version 2
She's so fine
She's the one   - Album version
   - 05-Feb-1975 pre BTR
   - Pre BTR version 2
   - Early version 3
Shine silently
Shipping up to Boston
Shut out the light
   - Extra-verse out-take
Silver Palomino
Sinaloa cowboys
Sister Theresa
Sitting on top of the world
Slow blues in G
Slow fade
Smokestack lightning
So young and in love
Sociedade Alternativa
Sock it to me baby
Someday (we'll be together)
Someday tonight (aka)
Something about you baby
Something in the night   - Album version
   - 04-Nov-1976 version
   - 13-Feb-1977 version
   - Alternate final verses
   - Summer-fall 1976
   - 27-Oct-1976
Something tells me
Something you got
Something's gonna break
Son of a preacher
Son you may kiss the bride (aka)
Song to the orphans   - London Publishing
   - Live version
Soothe me
Soul deep
Soul driver
Soul freakout
Soul man
Souls of the departed
Southern son   - Hammond demo
   - London publishing demo
Spanish eyes   - Official 'The Promise' version
   - "I'm on fire" version
   - "Standard" version
Spanish harlem
Spare parts
Spill the wine
Spirit in the night
Stand by me
Stand on it
State trooper
Stayin' alive
Ste. Genevieve
Stems and seeds
Steve's song
Stockton boys   - Version 1
   - Version 2
   - Version 3
   - Version 4
Stockton girls
Stolen car   - "The river" version
   - Son you may kiss the bride
   - "Victim to a hungry heart"
   - "Stanton Lake"
   - "Bar at night"
Straight time
Stranger on the shore
Strawberry fields forever
Stray bullet
Street fighting man
Street queen   - London publishing demo
Streets of fire   - Album version
   - Outtake
Streets of Philadelphia
Sugar sugar
Summer night
Summertime Blues
Sun city
Sunlight soldiers
Sunshine of your love
Sure can feel the pain
Surprise, surprise
Suspicious minds
Swallowed up (in the belly of the whale)
Sweet little rock'n'roller
Sweet little sixteen
Sweet Melinda
Sweet miss Sally
Sweet soul music
Sweet Virginia

Take it easy
Take me out to the ballgame
Take you riding my car
Take'em as they come   - Tracks take
   - Previously known out-take 1
   - Previously known out-take 2
Talk to me   - Official 'The Promise' version
   - Reheasal - studio version
Talking about my baby
Talking to the king
Taxi cab (aka)
Teach your children
Tears of a clown
Tell him
Tell me
Tell me why   - Bruce version (7-Mar-2003)
   - Original by Wine
Temporary out of order
Terry's song
Texas blues rocker
That'll be the day
That's what you get
The "third man" theme
The angel
The answer
The ballad (aka)
The ballad of Jesse James   - Version 1 (studio?)
   - Version 2 (live?)
The ballad of the architect angel   - Studio version
   - Live version
The ballad of the self-loading pistol
The ballad of Tom Joad (aka)
The band's just boppin' the blues   - 1971 live version
   - 1972 live version
The big muddy
The big payback   - B-side
   - Essential
The boy from NYC
The boy I'm gonna marry
The brokenhearted

The dark end of the street

The 'E' street shuffle
The end
The fast song   - "allright" version
   - "okay" version
The fever   - Studio 1977 version
   - Live 1978 version
   - 18 Tracks version
The fuse
The ghost of Tom Joad
The good the bad and the ugly
The harder they come
The heist (aka)
The Hitter   - Album version
   - TGOTJ tour version
The honeymooners
The judge song (aka)
The klansman
The lady and the doctor (aka)
The last carnival
The last time
The letter
The Line
The little things (my baby does)
The long goodbye
The man in the flying trapeze
The man who got away
The man who got away (2015)
The man who got away ('79)   - Version 1
   - Version 2
The new timer
The night they drove old Dixie down
The price you pay   - Album version
   - Live version
The promise   - Tracks version
   - 03-Aug-1976 "the loser"
   - Fall - winter 76 - early 77
   - Studio 77-78
   - Reunion tour
   - 1978 version
   - 'The Promise' version
The promised land
The rising
The river
The song (aka)
The star-spangled banner
The ties that bind   - "The river" take
   - Early 1978 take
   - 15-Dec-1978
   - Early studio outtake 1
   - Early studio outtake 2
The time in between
The time that never was
The times they are a changin'
The train song
The Twist-Peppermint medley
The wall   - Album version
   - Pre-album version
The wanderer
The war drags on
The war is over
The way
The way you do the things you do
The way you walk
The Weight
The wind and the rain
The wish
The word
The wrestler
The Zoom song
Them changes
Then she kissed me
There will never be another for me but you
They killed him in the street
This depression
This hard land
This is your sword
This land is your land
This life
This little girl
This little light of mine
This time baby's gone for good
This time it's for real
Thunder road   - Album version
   - Early acoustic version
   - Early full band version
   - Wings for wheels
Thundercrack   - Tracks take
   - Previously known out take
Tiger rose
Till there was you
Time is on my side
Time will tell
Tired of waiting for you
To love somebody
Tobacco road
Tokyo   - Generic live version
   - Studio take 1
   - Studio take 2
   - 24-Apr-1973
   - 04-Jun-1973
Tom Joad   - Bruce version
   - Guthrie version
Tomorrow never knows
Tonight (out-take) (aka)
Tougher than the rest
Town called heartbreak
Tracks of my tears
Train ride
Trapped again
Travellin' band
Treat her right
Trouble in paradise
Trouble river   - 18 Tracks version
   - Out-take version
True companion
True love is hard to come by   - Version 1
   - Version 2
   - Version 3
Tumbling dice
Tunnel of love
Tupelo honey
Turn on your love light
Turn! Turn! Turn!   - Seeger version
Tutti Frutti
TV movie
Twenty flight rock
Twenty more miles
Twist and shout
Twistin' the night away
Two faces
Two for the road
Two hearts   - Album
   - Outtake
Two hearts on a true waltz time   - Hammond demo version
   - Laurel Canyon version
   - Before the Fame version

Under the boardwalk
Under the gun   - Version 1
   - Version 2
   - Version 3
   - Version 4
Unknown song
Unsatisfied heart
Until the good is done
Up on cripple creek
Up on the roof
Up to you
Used Cars

Vaginal vandals
Valentine's day
Vibes man   - Version 1
   - Version 2
Vigilante man
Visitation at Fort Horn
Viva Las Vegas
Voodoo child

Wabash cannonball
Wages of sin
Waitin' on a sunny day
Waiting for your love
Waiting on the end of the world
Wake me, shake me
Walk don't run
Walk like a man
Walk, don't run - early years
Walking in the rain
Walking in the streets
Walking on the avenue   - Version 1
   - Version 2
Walking the dog
Waltz across Texas
Wanted dead or alive
War nurse
Warm and tender love   - Bruce version
   - Original lyrics
We are alive
We gotta get out of this place   - Bruce
   - Original
We shall overcome   - Album version
   - 'Where have all the flowers..'
We take care of our own
Wear my ring (around your neck)
Wedding bells
Welcome to the world
We'll all men the guns
What did you do in the war?
What love can do
What'd I say
What's so funny 'bout peace,love,and understanding
What's the matter little darling (aka)
What's your name
Wheels make the world go round
When I grow up to be a man
When I leave Berlin
When the lights go out   - Tracks take
   - Christic take
When the saints go marching in   - Bruce version
   - Original version
When you dance   - Version 1
   - Version 2
When you need me
When you walk in the room
When you're alone
Where the bands are
Where the streets have no name
Whip your hair
Whispers and screams
White lies (aka)
Whitetown (2015)
Whitetown ('79)   - Version 1
   - Version 2
   - Version 3
   - Version 4
Who do you love
Whole lotta love
Whole lotta shakin' goin' on
Who'll stop the rain?
Why do you do that
Why is it so hard
Wild Billy's circus story
Wild in the streets
Wild kisses
Wild thing
Will the circle be unbroken?
Will you still love me tomorrow
Willi and the hand Jive
Winchester Cathedral
Winter song
With a girl like you
With a little help from my friends
With every wish
Without you
Woman's got soul
Wonderful world
Wooly Bully
Working on a dream
Working on the building
Working on the highway
Working too hard
Worlds apart
Wreck on the Highway
Wrecking ball
   - Album version
Wrong side of the street


Yankees Win
Yellow Rose of Texas   - Bruce lyrics
   - Original lyrics
You better be nice to me
You can look (but you better not touch)   - Album
   - Homdel demo 1979
   - Homdel demo 1980
You can't judge a book by its cover
You can't sit down
You don't leave me no choice
You give love a bad name
You gotta be kind
You gotta fight for what you want
You know my love has never died
You may be right
You mean so much to me
You never can tell
You really got a hold on me
You really got me
You say you love me
You sent me
You sexy thing
You sure can dance
You'll be comin' down
Your cheatin' heart
Your love
Your love is all around me   - Version 1
   - Version 2
Your own worst enemy
You're gonna cry
You're missing
You're the one that's done it
You've got it
You've lost that lovin' feeling
Yum Yum I want some

Zero and the blind Terry
   - Version 2

Last computed : 11/03/2025 12:18:14